Prof. Neil Meredith

Prof. Neil Meredith

Professor Neil Meredith has been placing and restoring dental implants for over thirty years. After completing an MSc in Fixed Prosthodontics at the Eastman in London in 1987 he was awarded a PhD at Imperial College in 1992. He then invented RFA, the diagnostic technique that has become Osstell; the world standard for the measurement of implant stability. He undertook research with Professor P-I Brånemark and Professor Tomas Albrektsson in Gothenburg, Sweden and was awarded a second PhD for his work on RFA. He returned to the UK as Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials at Leeds University. In 1998 Neil developed a Dental Implant System, Neoss and raised Venture Capital funding to secure its development. As CEO and Head of Research he took the system and company through the next ten years where it showed exceptional growth and success. He moved to Australia to return to Academia as Professor of Prosthodontics at UQ and latterly at James Cook University. He has lectured and published widely and internationally but his real passion is clinical patient treatment and teaching. He has unique experience and understanding in the relationship between implant system design and clinical applications. Professor Meredith is now the Dean of the Post Graduate Institute of Dental Surgery which specialises in advanced clinical education in dental implantology.


Webinars with Prof. Neil Meredith


On Demand Webinar
From Humble Beginnings Great Measurements Grow
Prof. Neil Meredith

Speaker: Prof. Neil Meredith