Dr. Jordi Caballé Serrano is an Oral Surgeon and Scientist trained in Barcelona and Bern. He achieved his Dental Degree, Oral Surgery and Implantology specialty and MSc at UIC Barcelona and later moved to University of Bern to complete his PhD in Bone Biology and the Dr. med. Dent. Author of dozens of international top-ranked publications and lectures around the globe, he likes to call himself as a “hybrid” spending half time doing research on topics related to tissue regeneration and half time treating patients. He is currently Associate Professor at Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in UIC Barcelona, Associate Researcher at Dept. of Periodontology in the University of Bern and working in his private practice in Barcelona as an Oral Implantologist.

Webinars with Dr. Jordi Caballé Serrano

How to increase patients comfort and treatment perception by the use of digital tools combined with RFA

Speaker: Dr. Jordi Caballé Serrano