Immediacy: Always properly performed?Immediate loading options are being offered as almost routine and within everyone’s reach, but with more circumspection, particularly in light of the literature, which demonstrates that it is not always true that the success rates equal those of traditional treatments. How to ensure quality and the best outcome in the procedures and applying science as well as conscience?
Patients, media, science magazines and congresses are more frequently oriented towards aggressive implant therapy, involving increasingly reduced recovery and waiting times. Professional and economical background makes the youngest colleagues embrace implant therapy, although in the past it was mainly entrusted to field specialists.
Accordingly, the need to have objective evidence becomes increasingly urgent and as such more easily verifiable and comparable, and no longer only subjective, on some essential parameters in clinical evaluation—stability and primary retention are among those.
In the absence of a proper assessment of these aspects, the decision regarding implant reliability, and whether it can be used for immediate loading or not, depends entirely on the surgeon’s experience and practical ability.
Today, the Osstell implant stability quotient (ISQ) measurement and the proper use of resonance frequency analysis (RFA) enables us to render data on implant stability not anymore only subjective and, more importantly, comparable over time.
Release date: 2021-03-10 | Expiration date: 2024-03-10
Congratulations, very specific.
Carlos Ortiz from Republic of Panamá
Thank you Sir
Thank you so much
How many days should we wait to check ISQ value
Magnífico Webinar. Felicitaciones desde Sevilla, España. Dr Rogelio Álvarez Marin.
is there any RCT to prove the use of ISQ meter.
Amazing. Thank you.
Has the use of ISQ enabled you to provide shorter treatment time with predictability?
thank you Prof Mauro, for such amazing presentation ,Alan Amin Oral surgeon and Implantologist from Melbourne Australia
Thanks from Santiago de Chile, it´s been illuminating!
Is the smart peg torqued or just clicks
Nice session Thank you!
Thank you very much Mauro for your lecture
great talk – may I ask what would be the maximum torque that one could or should obtain ?
Does taking an Osstell ISQ measurement add a lot of time in taking the measurements
Thank you Dr Labanca.
That was a great session thank you
Thanks for the presentstion.
How often do you rely upon ISQ measurements in your implant cases?
what are the parameters to consider to properly do immediate loading?
Do you communicate the ISQ value with the patients? If so, how?”
what ISQ value to know when to place the final construction? Same target value on all cases?
Can we reuse the same SmartPeg in the same patient? Or do we need to change the SmartPeg everytime we measure ISQ?
Can we attach the SmartPeg to the abutment to measure the ISQ?
Which ISQ value do you target for immediate loading?
Just out of curiosity, what would be the RFA reading of a natural single-rooted tooth with good bone support?
Good afternoon from Milano
Saludos desde La Cdmx, México
Isn’t it any correlation between ISQ and torque in some cases?
Thank you for joining today’s webinar! Please write any questions you have in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation.