Ulrike Kuchler - Assoz. Prof. MD, DMD, Medical University of Vienna
Ulrike Kuchler is an Associate Professor at the Medical University of Vienna, department of oral surgery and also runs a private office. On graduation in 2006, she worked in the Department of Oral Surgery at the Medical University of Vienna until 2011. In 2011 she started as an ITI Scholar at the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology at the University of Bern and continued her engagement for another 3 years. In 2015 she received the “Habilitation“ (venia legendi).
Ulrike Kuchler lectures in the field of oral surgery and implant dentistry. Her fields of research and expertise include bone regeneration, risk factors, systemic disease and the implementation of new technologies in oral surgery and implant dentistry . She has received several national and international awards and is involved in national and international societies. She contributes to EAO activities, is the ITI Studyclub coordinator of Austria, and is a member of the WHO Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence as well as being an active member of the Austrian Dental Society, Austrian Implant Society, and the Austrian Society of Bone and Mineral Research.
Thank you very much!
Is the ISQ similar to torque
Tank you for excellent lecture
Excellent lecture thanks
What is the difference between implNt stability and implant torquong
consider the biological principles of osseointegration. what is the best assessment before starting the surgical procedure/ thanks for this presentation
One last question from Australia , the ISQ at placement is only a measure of the frictional fit – do you agree .
how many times can we use a smart peg for implant stability measurement ?
Is there a peg for Ostell for the BLX Straumann implants
Can you load an ALL ON FOUR case with the final hybrid bridge after two months of placement?
Earlier you said you have loaded with an ISQ below 60. The Osstell ISQ scale suggests that level of stability is likely to lead to failure. How did you decide to override that data?
Do you have any data on smokers
What do you think will change in implant dentistry over the next 5 years? What trends are you seeing in the industry?
Do you communicate the ISQ values to the patients and if so, how do you normally do this?
Does the ISQ deteriorate in an implant displaying marginal bone loss over time ?
Do you see a correlation between ISQ and insertion torque?
What is your definition of primary implant stability? Do you use insertion torque or ISQ?
What insertion stability value do you want to feel safe moving forward with the immediate loading protocol?
Do you think the influence of the practitioner for the implant success rate will subside now that digitally planned and guided implantation with guards/splints are easily available?
Where can I get recording of the same?
Is there Periotest set up available?
How do you normally assess the bone quality objectively?
Vielen dank. Best ’24 -Dr B Impladent Inc http://www.CaltexPress.com
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