Post-extraction implant placement: When immediate, when early and when lateWhen a dental implant is indicated to replace a tooth that needs to be extracted, the clinician has the opportunity to control the timing of extraction and subsequent implant placement. In this lecture, an update on current concepts of post-extraction healing will be given. Following this, the new classification for implant placement and loading time will be presented. The case selection criteria for immediate, early and late placement for optimum outcomes will be discussed.
Learning objectives: Following this lecture, you should be able to …
- Describe the current concepts of post-extraction healing leading to dimensional alterations of the alveolar ridge
- Classify implant placement and loading time
- List the case selection criteria for immediate, early and late placement
Release date: 2021-09-16 | Expiration date: 2024-09-16
Great presentation. You mention that regardless of the GBR the resorption of the bucal plate will happen. Will that happen always or what will be the factors increasing this resorption? Does the thickness of the remaining buccal plate >1mm will prevent this resorption or will this happen regardless?
Would you recommend early placement if there is a 2-bony wall defect (for example due to periodontitis) at the anterior maxillary region? Or is early placement only indicated with 1- bone wall defect (only facial bone wall recession)?
If you have thick biotype but thin intact facial bone right after extraction of an anterior maxillary incisor: would you recommend immediate placement if simultaneous contour augmentation is done ?
great presentation
Hi Dr. Chen, Great Presentation.
How do you apply ISQ values in determining your loading protocol
Every case need tissue graft after bone grafting?
In buccal dehiscence case where recession risk is higher is it better to use ceramic implants along with soft tissue graft?
Dr. Nouman Ukaye. India
Magnifico webinar. Saludos desde España. Dr Rogelio Álvarez Marín. España.
Thank you for joining us for the third webinar of the 2021 Osstell ISQ Online Symposium!