Predictable implant loading protocolsThanks to the latest developments of medical technologies and simultaneous advancement of medical sciences, medicine became more efficient, faster, and most importantly safer. Implantology has not stay aside from the technological revolution of the 21st century. The main aim of this webinar is to present and discuss the loading protocols (delayed, early, immediate) in modern Oral Implantology, and to create guidelines for daily decisions having in consideration objective measures like the Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ) Measure, the Torque and the bone density measured in the TC/CBCT. Other factors like the medical status of the patient and the complexity of the case are also important to take in consideration. Several clinical cases are going to show how to put in practice these rules.
- To learn the different guidelines for two stages, one stage and immediate loading approaches.
- To understand how guidelines for loading protocols can help us obtain better clinical results, namely in advanced surgical techniques.
- To know the principles behind the decision criteria (ISQ, Torque, Bone density, medical status, complexity of the case).
- To realize what is the impact of these guidelines/rules in our daily practice.
Release date: 2020-09-24 | Expiration date: 2023-09-24
Thank you dr. Raquel
Thank yoI for very interesting seminar
What would be your advice yo the dentist
who wants to start to include implants in her own practice for the first time
I attended all possible seminars, lectures about implants over few year and have an anxiety how to begin
Thank you ,
What could it happen…
3 months ago I paced an immediate implant on #8 (1-1) position (shield technique) ISQ 70 Healing abutment.
Essix retainer x aesthetic reasonsñ follow up in 2 weeks, normal healing.
3 months later, I wanted to measure ISQ, implant came out together wíth healing abutment, no secretions at all…. What could it happen…
Thank you very much for this opportunity
A great lively session Dr. Gomes ! Thank you very much. I wonder about your amazing technique of transpositioning the IAN! Do you have any special tips how to locate the IAN accurately!
In the second case have you gone for the bone mineral density investigation. Because after prosthetic loading of these types of cases there is a risk of getting the body fracture? What is your say on this?
Great presentation, Raquel. My question is related to GBR (horizontal) and immediate loading. What’s your view on this topic and how do you see the scientific literature available on this topic?
how to do implants in case of patient have metabolic acidosis/renal failure?
Thank Dr. Excellent job and its really inspiring.
Which implant is best for immediate loading
Thank you Dr Raquel!
Thank you for a wonderful session
Thx great case My question is whether transposition nerve is Bette then vertical augmentation?
I once mearsured ISQ at the time of implant placement and it was about 70, but when I try to remove the smartpeg, the implant came out with it. Should we really trust ISQ ?
Great cases and amazing professional . Thank you Dr Raquel
Great result! What’s the possibilit of failure if the patient doesn’t stop smoking??
What did you use for socket decontamination after exos for immediate implant placement?
Thank for interesting & informative talk!
I would like to know your opinion how about the progressive loading protocol applied in posterior maxilla region to test implant stability &_bone density?
In one of your studies, you looked at implant stability in posterior maxilla with bone regeneration. Is
the ISQ in general lower or higher in augmented bone?
Thank you for joining us for the first webinar in the OSSTELL ISQ ONLINE SYMPOSIUM! Please write any questions you have in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation.